National Human Trafficking Hotline

1(800)843-5678 & 1(888)373-7888

About Us

Our mission is to provide education, services, and resources to professionals, victims, and, survivors of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking with a direct focus on at risk youth.

Unique Blessings and partners look forward to your full support with the help of provide resources and awareness to all victims, survivors, and professionals working together to educate and eradicate human trafficking and domestic violence across the globe.

As a community that care our advocates fight for change, and provide restoration for victims, survivors, and families that are recovering from a life involving Domestic Violence or/and sex trafficking. Often times the victims are left without a voice and lack community support during the process of recovery. When a victim decided to take the journey to recover living again can present many challenges for victims and their families that are apart of the recovery process. Unique Blessings takes pride in helping every client access community service and support to reclaim their voice and their right to live beyond the scars of mental slavery and physical and emotional abuse.

We understand that human trafficking, like any human rights violation, is a complex topic, but understanding these complexities is the best weapon we have in the fight to end it.


sky, freedom, happiness

Shantelle Evans was born and raised in Baltimore City with her parents and her two siblings. Shantelle received the majority of her education in the Baltimore public school system and later went to Howard community college to further her education.

Upon completing Howard Community College she decided to relocate to Charlotte NC in 2010 to escape gun violence and raise her three children. Once she arrived in Charlotte NC Shantelle knew she would have to navigate with strength, courage, and wisdom to accept the things she could not change.

Shantelle went to accomplish her dreams by obtaining her license as a cosmetologist and completing her degree in the field of psychology. With her passion for people, education, and the beauty industry she ventured to open her first salon. After a few years in business Shantelle was met with yet another challenge with the disappearance of her teenage daughter who had been caught in a world of human trafficking, which forced her to close down her business. With constant prayer and a support system she was able to recover her daughter from human trafficking.

Shantelle overcame trials and turned them into triumphs and currently holds a position as Founder/ President of Unique Blessings Non Profit Organization. She have a mission and lifetime commitment to advocate for survivors and victims while bringing awareness to human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault with a particular focus on at risk
youth and young adults living at/or below the poverty line globally.